On awakening each morning, praise God with a song of gratitude. Pray this prayer with the intention for the Second Coming of Christ.
The angels will surround you every time you pray. Your prayer will be like incense that rises to the Heart of the Father. It is God’s promise.
Heavenly Father, I bless you, I praise and thank you
for the union of our hearts with the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
in whose unity we live forever in harmony and holiness with all creation, and for your mercy and kindness.
Father, let the Second Coming of Christ be manifested in us now.
Come, Christ come, do not delay, come to illuminate and flood the Earth with your light and with your love.
Come and burn our hearts with the fire of your love. Come and we will sing together forever of the mercies of God.
May the angels of Heaven and all creation sing a hymn of praise and gratitude to the Christ of God. Amen.
Visualisation of the Medallion Symbols
You may also like to begin the day with a visualization of the Three Hearts medallion that has a symbol on each side.
On the front side of the medallion are three intertwined hearts- representing the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the human heart which are surrounded by a circle of twelve stars that represent all creation.
Below the three intertwined hearts are the words,
Come, Christ come.
On the other side of the medallion is a triangle with a dove in flight at its centre, representing the love of the Holy Trinity. This triangle is also surrounded by twelve stars. In the words of Christ:
The symbols represent the union of the known and unknown,
the encompassable and the immeasurable, Earth and Heaven, humanity and divinity.
It also expresses longing and gratitude for the Second Coming.
This is the embrace. This is love!
Visualise this image with veneration, respect, love, and faith every day you can.
At three o’clock every afternoon a gate into timeless time opens. This is the hour of Divine Mercy when Jesus took his last breath. A sublime and exalted hour in which the floodgates of merciful love of the Father for the world open. Honour this hour. Pray the prayer of Divine Mercy with the intention for the salvation of the whole world, for everything in human form:
Oh Divine Mercy, infinite compassion!
You are the amazement of the angels and the delight of the heart thirsting for love and truth.
In You, the devotee trusts and the sage awaits. In You the minds that seek peace calm down.
Before everything existed, You existed. In You everything was created.
You are a safe refuge for souls and joy of spirits.
My heart invokes You in response to your call.
Here I am, Divine Mercy . Here I am, essence of my being. Spill yourself in me and water the Earth with your love. Amen.
At six o’clock in the evening, pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the universal Mother, the source of creation. Do it with the intention for the atonement of souls. Honor this hour for what it is; a holy hour in which the purity of the Mother of all creation is completely poured into souls and the whole world. By venerating this hour, the whole world is immersed in the light of holiness. Receive with love the new Song of Mary:
My soul sings the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
Because He poured out His blessing on all creation.
He did great things in me.
The grace of His love fertilised my self, making me the wife of His divinity.
Let the universe sing a hymn of praise and gratitude to the love of love.
Let everyone know that God is merciful, that His Kingdom is eternal, as eternal is His love for His children.
His fidelity is unbreakable and great is His power.
May all open their hearts to the Christ of God and live in the glory of love. Amen.
Thank and praise God for your day. Also give praise for the angels, by praying:
- The prayer of the Union of Three Hearts
- The prayer of Divine Mercy
- The Song of Mary
Your prayers will benefit the whole world. It is God’s promise that the archangels and seraphim will take your soul during the night and fill it with love and wisdom. A blanket of stars and blessings will silently cover and protect you. And your dreams will be happy dreams because they will be holy.
(The above prayers and medallion symbols are found in Chapter 6 of Choose Only Love, Echoes of Holiness- Book I from pages 52 to 55)

Come, Christ, come. Illuminate and flood the Earth with your light and with your love. Amen.