Mary’s Garden of Love

Mary’s Refuge of Divine Love…

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You are the face of love on Earth. That is your purpose. Your purpose is not a function, a job or something to do. It is what you are. Since you are love, your purpose is to be love. (Jesus)


You are called to be channels of light. The ones who will prepare the Earth for the Immaculate Heart of Mary. You will plant white lilies, roses and daisies, and the eternal spouse of souls will come to dwell among humans. Being a channel of light is your grace, your destiny and your glory. (Archangel Raphael)

I am your Mother Earth, your Mother God, your source of life. I am your Mother from Heaven. I am Mary. This is my time. A time of triumph and tenderness. Do not be afraid of anything or anyone. Come immerse yourself in the arms of the Mother of Love. Trust me fully. I am the refuge of your heart. I am the security that nothing can disturb. I am the Immaculate Conception that lives in you. (Mother Mary)

Holy Encounters at Refuge of Divine Love – Delta Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina








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Useful information about Refuge of Divine Love




Jesus’ Healing Prayer at Refuge of Divine Love

Jesus asked Sebastian Blaksley, in February 2022, to institute the Healing Prayer. This consists of praying at the Refuge of Divine Love, on the first Saturday of each month, at 3 in the afternoon, a particular prayer, as it is expressed in chapter 6 titled Devotion: Union of the Three Hearts, in Book 1 of  Choose Only Love- Echoes of Holiness.

For this reason, starting on the first Saturday of March 2022, the Healing service will begin, to be offered through this holy prayer for all those who feel the need to heal physically or spiritually. Christ is the source of miracles, therefore it will be His divine love that gives them through this vehicle of grace.

​Jesus said to Sebastian Blaksley: Through the Healing Prayer, I will give unimaginable graces, I will gift miracles for the body and the soul. Whoever participates in it will receive in holiness more than what his or her mind and heart are capable of conceiving. I want by this means to heal the entire humanity.

Click for more about joining the Healing Prayer


Located in the extraordinarily beautiful waterways of the Tigre Delta, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Refuge of Divine Love is a place lovingly consecrated to the Mother of creation. Whoever feels the need for an encounter with peace and serenity is very welcome. We carry out gatherings, stays, retreats and other individual and group activities. We also invite those who wish to consecrate themselves to God through this spiritual path to join us to live in the Refuge in an open spiritual community.

We invite you to the Refuge of Divine Love, personally or in groups, to:

  • spend time together in prayer 
  • one-on-one or group meetings
  • participate in reading groups
  • coordinate spiritual retreats
  • enjoy a serene stay during the days you consider necessary
  • commune and connect with Mother nature.

Visiting Refuge of Divine Love? Click here to find useful information

The Refuge of Divine Love is maintained by the generosity of those who help us carry out our mission. Any monetary, material or spiritual contribution you want to make is always very welcome. In this way we will create together, on this 23 acres of natural beauty, our “piece of heaven” on Earth where people come to nourish their souls. For more information on the exact location of the property, access, rates, available dates, guidelines and requirements please visit:

Reservations & Tour


Brothers and sisters all over the world! Love your planet and everything that is part of Her as the home of God.

Each petal of each flower, each rose, each deer and antelope, each bird of the sky, and each human being, is a form of God’s love made real in the physical world. In them and in everything created, God is expressing Herself.

Do you think flowers do not go to Heaven? They do. Nothing in creation is lost. Everything returns to the love from which it arises. (Mother Mary – Choose Only Love series)